Do YOU have a website or homepage yet? If not, think about it. The Web
has lots of info and tools available - IF you
have the time and the inclination to do-it-yourself.
Perhaps you'd like some
Are you looking for some ideas about promoting
your website or homepage? Read this article by
our guest author, Jim Rhodes.
You'll find some good tools here
Check your Spycè mail account
So do you ever get tired of tracking all your passwords or form data??
Get $50 IN COUPONS when you Grab the Gator!
Tired of filling out forms? Tired of forgetting passwords? You need Gator! Gator is free software that does the typing for you.
Gator eliminates frustrating web chores like filling out forms and remembering passwords. Best of all, it's polite: When you hit a web page with a form or account name & password,
Gator surfaces to provide the exact information with no typing! It takes only 3 minutes to download at 56K! Gator also comes with $50 in FREE COUPONS! Grab the Gator now!
Earn revenue from your web site. This ad brought to you by
How about tracking your search engine listings? One of the best tools
is WebPosition.
WebPosition Software builds traffic by tracking your search positions
and helping you improve your rankings! Submitting alone is not enough!
People must be able to find you easily on the search engines.
This product has been tested and reviewed by many experts:
"WebPosition is the BEST software
around for letting anyone who has a Web page know where they are listed
on all the major Internet search engines. It is a "must have" piece of
software for Webmasters of large sites and small home pages. It has a very
simple interface, coupled with a detailed HTML-style report on the position
of your Web site. 5 out of 5 Stars from Download.Net
- WOW! What else can I say, except write your check to the people that
made this product. They give you a 45-day demo of the product with full
features, except it only searches three engines (for me it was Excite,
AltaVista, and Infoseek). It then goes out (once you are online) and tells
you the exact position you are in on these search engines..."
Have you heard of ZDNet? Here's their impression:
"...what [WebPosition] does do is so unique and so valuable that anyone
trying to run a business online should give it a try."
Software Want to increase your Web Site Traffic? WebPosition makes it easy to monitor your search positions & to improve your rankings!
Don't be buried in last place, move up to first place!
How about getting more visitors to your website?
Has your computer been acting up
lately? Would you like some PC help?
Check out Bob O'Donnell's On Computers - BOOT DISK instructions! There are articles and information
about all aspects of a PC (yeah, you have to CLEAN it once in a while, too!)
here is a definitely NEAT idea! You know how Y2K is casting a long shadow
over everything these days? Every company and most people are wondering
exactly what will happen when the year changes to 2,000. These items are
fun ideas to have for yourself or give as gifts or get as keepsakes for
your kids or their kids.
And put a lil Spycè in the millenium! Visit my Y2K help page.
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