What happened to on January 1, 2000?
What are your plans for the millenium? That's still coming, right? This page shouldn't really be necessary now - but I'll leave it up for a while
for the interesting links.
Were your systems Y2K compliant? These people might be very helpful. Their DateFix
Another company that is helping with the Y2K rollover problem is Media Fund, Inc..
Their product is called Y2K McFix (wonder how long McDonald's will allow that). Y2K McFix automatically checks and corrects more BIOS and Real Time Clock defects than all the competition. They say that it is so thorough and permanent,
in the event that your PC hard drive should need reformatting, the fix would still remain resident. They offer a free download to evaluate the product.
Webmasters and every company (not to mention individuals) check out the Site Navigation
box for informative links. One of the most helpful sites for businesses has been created by Byte Size.
What about just regular people? I like Utne - their site has a wide range of information
and resources for us. Here is an excerpt from one of the articles:
Individual Preparation for Y2K
By Paloma O'Riley
Preparing for the worst doesn't mean you believe it will happen,
it means only that you accept that the possibility exists. You
don't need proof that your house will burn down before you buy fire
insurance, nor that you will have an automobile accident to purchase
car insurance. In the same way, you do not need to believe worst-case
Y2K scenarios will happen to take out another kind of insurance--emergency
Ms. O'Riley goes on to provide a well-thought-out list of instructions - covering everything
from food to pets to first aid training. It is actually a good reference for any emergency planning. Most of the information is
gleaned from FEMA's website. You can access theirs in PDF format also. They include
some things I certainly hadn't thought about!
It is good to plan and be prepared. However, do NOT get sucked in by any "get rich quick" vermin!! IF anyone wants you to pay a fee (I've heard of one that wants $400), report it to the FTC - matter of fact, you can forward any email you receive that is pornographic or spamming to them at uce@ftc.gov.
If you are concerned about obtaining food and other emergency supplies - check these people out!
Where will the first sunrise be? See what the scientists have figured out!
We'll be adding more great resources as we find them.
The President's Year 2000 Council has good, easy-to-understand information for every aspect of life.
They have set up a toll-free number for consumer questions/concerns -
This website is RSAC rated!
First Sunrise
But anyone wishing to beat Pitt Islanders to the millennium should venture
southwest to the uninhabited Antipodes Islands, where dawn will break five minutes
earlier, they say.
How did they arrive at this conclusion? Simple, use the formula "sunrise - 0.99727
(right ascension minus east longitude plus/minus cosine to the power of -1 (negative tangent
of latitude times tangent of declination) minus (GMT at 0 hours universal time)."
The Journal, which is distributed to fellows of the Royal Geographical Society,
said the place where the first sunrise actually will be seen lies in the Southern Ocean, north
of Scott Island in the Belleny Basin.
The sunrise will not be seen further southeast on Antarctica because that ice and snow-covered
continent has a permanent night or day, depending on the time of year.
The scientists, writing in The Geographical Journal, say Hakepa Hill
on Pitt Island, east of New Zealand, will see the first dawn of the
millennium break at 1600 GMT Dec. 31, 1999 -- or just seconds before
4 a.m. Jan. 1, 2000, on the island.
Footnote: In 1884, world leaders met in Washington DC and decided that each day starts at
Greenwich, England. Thus, Greenwich Mean Time. So no matter what anyone claimed, the "first" sunrise of any year (or day for that matter)
is in Greenwich.